
"Personally I think it was really helpful to create this blog, due to the fact that is a way to share information about our university and to be in touch with technology as well. This is a way to use TICs at classes which I consider as a good initiative from our teacher Yuraimig Rivero, nowadays technology is the most useful tool for teaching, research and communication, and we learn as we create. As a future teacher is an example for me to incorporate those kinds of activities to think outside the box and give students the opportunity to develop projects that would provide not only knowledge about a specific subject but about something that can be used for other purposes too."

ZAIDIMAR AZOCAR: "I think the creation of this blog is very interesting because in a way help us to know more about our university and share it with others, taking into account that many students do not really know how our university is structured or even the name of or director or the chief of program, and also because it give us the opportunity to use the TICs that we have learned in class. For me this was a great experience, it also help us to apply this kind of tool, that as future teachers we need to know how to apply them, how to use them properly, and how to manage them with the students."

ELIO SARACUAL: "My experience on the course: Advanced English II, are based largely on the expectations I had on this subject, and certainly, each and every one of these have been progressively completed satisfactorily, because throughout the semester I was able to acquire new vocabulary that I could use and seamlessly integrate into my own vocabulary, just as I have gained valuable knowledge about current issues concerning about new education alternatives that makes us go a little beyond the traditional education and finally, and not least, we could use technology tools such as the Internet to create a blog where we can share valuable and relevant information about our program (English Program) with the rest of the student community of our specialty and the entire university. In short, this semester has been very productive and valuable because it has brought us close to a large universe of knowledge and experiences to help us perform better as future teachers while improving our mastery of English. For me, all challenges and goals achieved in this subject have been a great and enjoyable experience."

MILAGROS RODRÍGUEZ: Particularly I felt comfortable and confident with this activity because I think this media works as an educational alternative for getting a better interaction using technology since, it provides us of tracking facilities that a conventional material cannot. In this sense, the final objective of the creation of this blog is to contribute to share some important information that is big part of the English Program unknown by the English students. Is the second time that I work using a blog and I consider that it is an attractive tool to catch student’s attention to the subject.